Want to get in touch with your soul?

Your soul is eager too

Do you experience relationships, emotions or adversity that keep you stuck and frustrated?  If you want to receive soul guidance and explore your blueprint - This is where Akashic Records step in.


How an Akashic Record Reading can Benefit you

An Akashic Records Reading allows you to authentically explore your purpose, to inquire about the emotional imprints that hold you back, and open yourself to deep healing. Like an archeologist on a discovery mission, we uncover what is beneath the surface, and peel away the layers that show up as blockages and emotional debris. An Akashic Records Reading will give you the tools and insight you need to move through difficult emotions, acknowledge triggers, and set yourself free from fixed mindsets. Through a process of awareness, insight and compassion, a session facilitates an evolution into the you that you came to this beautiful earth to be. You’ll learn the beautiful depths and wisdom of your soul.  

The fact that you are here is a sign that you’re ready to dive deeper. Thank you for being here, and I’m cheering you on to take the leap! 

Sessions are conducted on Zoom and at 60 minutes. 


Do you want to receive guidance from a source of unconditional love? 

Akashic—loosely translated from its Sanskrit roots—means “ether” or “cosmos”. The Akashic Records have been mentioned in many ancient cultures and spiritual traditions, including Mayans, Tibetans, Hebrews, Chinese, Greek and Indian. 

 This space holds a pure love that supports you in acknowledging unhealed parts of your soul. Becoming in touch with the Akashic allows you to access your higher states of consciousness. In this journey, we learn to process, release and graduate from the dynamics and patterns that are difficult to navigate and no longer serve you. We are always in flow, and in encouragement to step into a healed space and radiate from pure love. 



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 Frequently Asked Questions

+ What are the Akashic Records?

The Akashic Records can be compared to the Universe’s iCloud Storage system - like a library of every thought, word, deed of all beings in this universe, e.g. a history of all our souls. Imagine the Akashic Records like a library or google of the Universe!

The Records exist in the astral plane, also known as Ether, and it is one of the five elements in the universe (Essential fact: ‘Akasha’ in Sanskrit means Ether) You can learn about your past lives or present situations by accessing the Akashic records, this can assist in knowing yourself better on a spiritual level in your current timeline.

You can also ask questions that come up in your current life, and receive guidance on how to move through (transitional/ spiritual/ relationship/ emotional/ health/ career) situations.

+ How does a session work?

In a dedicated 60 minute 1 on 1 session with me, I will tap into the Akashic Records and answer a set of pre-prepared questions that you bring to the session. Sessions are recorded and offered through Zoom.

+ Why an Akashic Records session?

Sometimes we experience situations, relationships, emotions or adversity that seem to come out of the blue. Do you experience reactions that feel so unexplainable and irrational? This is where the Akashic Records can help! Through tapping into the space, the counsel given brings more awareness and perspective to the situation at hand. A session will often provide more clarity and or confirmation for what next steps to take in your daily life. If we make the choice to open our hearts and become more aware of the experiences that created the dynamics in the first place, this allows a smoother release of core agreements, contracts, beliefs and perceptions created either in current or past lifetimes.

+ Who is this Session for?

  • Those who are stuck in a loop that they seem to not be able to get out of, or even are not aware of how this dynamic comes from
  • Understanding more about past time lines
  • Wanting to unravel unconscious limitations
  • If you wish to seek more clarity about an ongoing situation, or for relationships in your life
  • Receive counsel and guidance on specific situations
  • Receive energetic healing and emotional support


Energy healing is not a replacement for medical treatment.  Please consult a licensed doctor or trained professional for medical counsel.
