How to stay Motivated, especially when you don't feel like it!

I hope your Spring season is off to a wonderful start (if you’re in the northern hemisphere). The days are starting to get longer, the flowers are blossoming, and the birds (and the mosquitos) are back. The energies of rebirth are here. For some of us, we’ve had a spring/easter break and are coming back into the groove of things. 

You might be asking yourself, “Why am I feeling so unmotivated?” It’s easy to still linger in vacation mode. You’re not alone! It’s completely understandable because our brainwave states shift when we’re on vacation. When we’re at work every day and in our normal routines, we’re in the beta brainwave state - the state of doing, thinking, and planning all the time. Alternatively, when we’re on vacation, we wind down and shift into an alpha brainwave state for longer - a state of being relaxed and aware. We can’t just turn our brainwave states on and off like a light switch, and it takes time and periods of adjustment. I’m sure it probably took some time to settle into relaxing too. You’re only human!

If you’re in this state of “meh”, I feel you! Whether you’ve recently come back from vacation, or not so recently, or just feeling the blockages, read on for X Ways to Stay Motivated, you got this!



1. Bringing awareness to your energy levels, and releasing what doesn't energetically spark joy! 


I call upon the goddess Marie Kondo in times like these for help. She is like the Virgo mother I always wanted (oops, sorry not sorry mom, also she actually is a Virgo - explains the tidying of it all) Don't go to the places and people that deplete your energy. Sometimes it feels like we need to do more, more & more! But why not release what doesn't serve you and do less? I implore you to give it a go - it feels so liberating. 



2. Give yourself breathing space instead of pushing 


Do what you need to, and not less than and not more than what is required. This has been a golden rule that helps me to move forward. Yes, there are those tasks that we must do. But instead of neglecting them completely, I invite you to complete your task, and then stop there. The more you push, the more you edge toward burnout. Remember, burnout is not a badge of honor! 




If you've read Atomic Habits by James Clear, you'll recognize this handy chart below (imposed with some handy Arianna lyrics): 

(Source: Christian Genco on Twitter + James Clear, Atomic Habits)

 It outlines the secret to successful habits! Bring emphasis to the “I got it” part. This explain the neurological feedback loop which allows you to create automatic habits. When you reward yourself, you successfully complete the habit loop and do what you need to! Which is very helpful for showing up especially when it feels hard to. You got this! 



Even if you're growing slowly, you're more steadily on the path than standing still 


 (This is based on the original Chinese proverb below, however my ethos is all about choosing love over fear, and I didn't want to emphasize being afraid! 


(OG Quote) Be not afraid of growing slowly, be afraid of standing still 

- Chinese Proverb 





What can you release that doesn't spark joy? 

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Yinki Nicole Wong