4 Signs You're Leaking Energy without Knowing

Drip, drip, FLOOD…

Your energy is leaking, and we need more than caffeine and plumber to fix the problem

How often do you turn to your co-worker and say, “I’m feeling such low energy”, and are reaching for that third cup of Matcha even though you know it will keep you up at night even though you need more energy to get you through the day.

Energy can seem like such an abstract idea, but the truth is we all talk about it (and often)! From the moment we wake up to the moment we go to bed, or during the day, we often talk about feeling very energetic or having low energy, especially during post-heavy carb afternoon slumps. 

While it can seem like such an appropriated New Age concept to talk about energy, in my Chinese culture, my ancestors have always been talking about it.

In fact, we believe that life is energy. 

Qi pronounced ‘chee’, is the natural “enlivening energy of the universe that activates change and movement.” Without Qu, there simply wouldn’t be life. As Qi is the energy that leads to creation and our vitality.

Even the word “energy” in Chinese brings up connotations and translations of vitality, 

In practices of Taoism, Tai Chi, and Qi Gong, all of these ideas are rooted in the concept of energy, flow, vitality, and breath. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Practitioner Xiaolan Zhao explains that

“When Qi gathers, so the physical body is formed; when it disperses, so the body dies” 

In addition to TCM, understanding your energetic blueprint is KEY to knowing how you are leaking energy.

Here are 4 Signs that You’re Leaking Energy without even Knowing!

1. Feeling Fatigued and Drained

This one seems obvious, but many of us power through without realizing how drained we actually are. One of the most common signs of energy leakage is feeling fatigued and drained, even after a good night's sleep. When we are leaking energy, we might feel tired all the time, and unfortunately, it sucks away our motivation to do anything. We become stuck in these cycles of grabbing more caffeine than we need, forgoing our movement routines, and putting rest on the backburner.

2. Overwhelming Emotions

You know that feeling like you’re about to snap at any minute? Multiple times a day? If you find yourself experiencing overwhelming emotions that you cannot seem to control, it’s a sign! When we are emotionally drained, we can become more susceptible to stress, anxiety, and depression. It can be challenging to manage our emotions when we are already feeling depleted, which leads to a hamster wheel cycle of negativity.

3. Difficulty Concentrating

Do you find yourself checking the clock after you’ve come back from lunch to find that you still need to be at work for 5 more hours?!? You feel like that kid in class again who’s watching the minute hand tick slower than a sloth trying to turn its head. If you are having difficulty concentrating or staying focused, it may be due to energy leakage. When we are losing energy, it can be challenging to stay present and focused on the task at hand. This can lead to decreased productivity, frustration, and a lack of motivation.

4. Doing what Other People are doing, not because you want to /Not knowing when Enough is Enough!

Not knowing when enough is enough & poor boundaries happen when we don’t know ourselves, don’t know what we need, and don’t know our energetic blueprint, which leads to taking on others’ energies and not knowing when to stop. Just because other people around you are working 48 hours a day doesn’t mean you have to. What if you’re designed differently? What if you were designed to work in bursts? Or designed to maximize your energy?

If you’re ready to invest in yourself and accelerate your sense of self-esteem and assuredness, click here for a Your Soul Strategy and Foundations reading, which dives into your Human Design blueprint. This reading is truly an investment that’ll compound because you’re able to learn how to optimize your energy, how to know if you’re in alignment with what you’re doing and your purpose, and to know what themes to look out for this year as you’re building your self-worth and business.

Yinki Nicole Wong