Want to Work More Efficiently as a Spiritual Entrepreneur?

You’ve been working wrong your entire life! Wha??

Understanding your Human Design Energy Centres (especially your Sacral) is the Key

It’s time to listen to and honor your energy - you’re a beautiful human, not a machine

The moment I learned my energetic type as a Projector and how I was supposed to operate was met with....resistance 

and relief… a take a deep breath sigh it out during yoga class kind of relief. 

As a Splenic Projector with an undefined Sacral Centre, I now know I was running on borrowed energy (Or in Human Design (HD) terms, I absorbed a lot of conditioning from others) 

What does Conditioning Mean in HD?

Conditioning is the influence you experience in your being as a human on this earth, including the neuropathways of the brain, which informs your thoughts, beliefs, feelings, decision-making, and values.

How Does Conditioning Happen? 

Conditioning happens when our undefined energy centres come into contact with those who have defined energy centres. 

Conditioning can happen when we come into a 6ft radius with others, so anytime we’re surrounded by our family, lovers, friends and just walking on a street! 

What does it mean to experience conditioning?

It means that you’re able to be influenced by the energies and beliefs of the people and environments that surround you. 

Woah - How do I know if I’m prone to conditioning or not?

By looking at your chart, you’re able to see which energy centres are defined, and which ones aren’t. Do you see those shapes in your chart? Those are your energy centres! Whenever an energy centre/shape is filled in with colour, that’s when it’s defined. Whereas when a shape doesn’t have color, it means it’s undefined. 

What does it mean when an energy centre/ shape is defined? 

A defined means that the person has consistent access to that energy. 

What does it mean when an energy centre/ shape is undefined? 

A defined means that the person does not have consistent access to that energy. 

If you look at your chart, you’ll see some that are defined and some that are not. That’s completely ok! (Or if you see all defined or undefined, that’s ok too! You gotta do you!)

Conditioning isn’t good or bad, it’s just the nature and reality of our every day as we navigate life. 

When you’re born, you come into the world with a unique energetic makeup (which can be understood through your HD chart!). As you grow and develop, you’ll begin to take on the energies and beliefs of the people and environments around you. This can lead to a sense of confusion or disconnection, as there might be a struggle to differentiate between your own true sense of self and energy reserves, versus the conditioning you experience from others. 

What is the benefit of understanding my energetic centres from my Human Design chart?

Human Design can help you become aware of your own unique energetic makeup so that you have the most loving and guided awareness to differentiate between your true nature (what feels energetically aligned for you), and release the conditioning you experience from others. By recognizing the ways in which they have been conditioned, individuals can begin to let go of beliefs and behaviours that do not serve them and embrace their own unique strengths and abilities. 

Ok great! So what is the importance of my Sacral Energy? 

The Sacral energy refers to the life force energy that is located in the lower abdomen, just below your belly button. The sacral chakra is associated with creativity, sexuality, pleasure, and vitality. (It’s also associated with the color orange! Yes to sun kissed bliss)

If you have a Defined Sacral Center, you’re most likely a generator or manifesting generator. This means you’re able to have a consistent, reliable source of sacral energy that gives you the stamina and vitality to pursue your passions and fulfil your life purpose. How exciting! 

So what does that mean for people who have undefined Sacral Centres? 

If you have an undefined or open sacral center, you might not have a consistent source of sacral energy. You might struggle with feeling drained or exhausted, especially if you are engaging in work or activities that do not align with your true purpose. Saying this isn’t to discourage you, but rather offer a freedom of knowing and being. Of relishing in the fact that it’s ok that you’re wired differently. The key here is, you don’t have to conform and be like everyone else. Instead, you have a gift of seeing, guiding, directing or leading. 

Alright then! How Can I work more efficiently? 

If you have a defined Sacral: 

  • Choose work that really lights you up if possible

  • Create time blocks - E.g. You can block out a whole section or day in your calendar to apply your sacral energy in the most efficient way!

  • Choose a Highlight of the Day - while your energy is consistent, remember to anchor yourself by picking a highlight task that you must complete. This allows you to bring more direction and awareness and purpose to what you’re doing. (instead of just mindlessly hustling away) 

  • Your highest sense of satisfaction will come when you’ve completed a solid day’s work - remember, this sense will come when the work you’re doing is most aligned with your purpose!

  • Know that even though you have consistent energy, you are still prone to burnout! You’re a human, not a machine love! 

If you have an undefined Sacral: 

  • Work in Short Periods and Bursts - You can use tools such as a Pomodoro timer which helps to chunk things up instead of toiling over a task over a long period of time

  • Remember, you’re here to work smart, not just hard 

  • Reframe work as expression - Especially as a non-sacral being, (like myself), it can feel like a weight when it comes to the thought of work - as most non-sacral beings are meant to guide, lead, envision or ideate instead of just do. 

  • Make Ample Time for Rest and Breaks 

  • Rewards, rewards, rewards! You deserve to celebrate yourself! (This goes for all sentient beings - whether you have an undefined or defined sacral) 

If you’re ready to invest in yourself and accelerate your sense of self-esteem and assuredness, book a Your Soul Strategy and Foundations reading now, which dives into your Human Design blueprint. This reading is truly an investment that’ll compound because you’re able to learn how to optimise your energy, how to know if you’re in alignment with what you’re doing and your purpose, and to know what themes to look out for this year as you’re building your self-worth and business. 

Thank you for being here, I appreciate you so much x

Yinki Nicole Wong